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How To Stop Snoring – Top Tips from a world-renowned Therapist

We all know someone who snores, and for some, it can be a chronic, long-term condition. Learn how to stop snoring with the Top tips from a world-renowned therapist.

Why do you snore?

Snoring occurs when air flows past relaxed tissues in your throat, causing them to vibrate as you breathe in and out.

You are more likely to snore if you are overweight, you smoke, drink alcohol, or sleep on your back―with your head only slightly propped up. Snoring also tends to become more common as we age.

Top Tips on How to Stop Snoring

1. Lose weight if you are overweight

ways to stop snoring

Carrying excess weight, especially around your neck, contributes to snoring. Exercising and losing weight can sometimes be all it takes to end your snoring for good.

2. Cut out alcohol and smoking

Drinking causes muscle relaxation which contributes to snoring; smoking irritates the lining of your throat, exacerbating the problem even more. Check out Marisa’s hypnosis audios on overcoming smoking and alcohol addictions.

3. Adjust your sleeping position

Lying flat on your back causes the tissues in your throat to relax and flap. If you prop your head up on firm pillows or sleep on your side, this can help. 

4.     Clear your nasal airways

Use a saline nasal spray before bed. This natural remedy restores moisture to dry airways and sinuses, curbing the inflammation that causes snoring. 

5.      Try some throat exercises

throat exercises

6. Get your allergies under control

If you are allergic to dust or have hay fever, this can make your snoring flare up. Try to avoid contact with allergens and take an antihistamine.

7. Try a humidifier

Having a humidifier in the bedroom is beneficial to those suffering from allergies and upper respiratory illnesses. A humidifier helps because it adds moisture to the air and causes mucus to loosen. The result is reduced throat irritation and swelling, which leads to less restriction in the airways.

8. Drink more water

The lining of your nose and soft palate become stickier when you are dehydrated and this can make snoring worse. Aim to drink between 11 to 16 cups of water a day to hydrate your system. 

9. Change your thinking pattern

perfect deep unbroken sleep

Invest in Marisa’s hypnosis audio ‘Perfect Deep Unbroken Sleep’ in order to reprogram your mind into enjoying a healthy, deep sleep. You will master the art of sleeping soundly.

These 9 tips on how to stop snoring will benefit you and those around you. You will be able to travel and sleep without complaints, maintain intimacy with your partner, and wake up feeling refreshed every day.



Marisa shares her 30 years of experience as a multi-award-winning therapist to celebrities, top athletes, and even royalty. She is the founder and creator of RTT®, the cutting-edge method and hybrid solution-based approach that can deliver extraordinary transformations.



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