Get Younger Skin
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This Audio helps you to encourage your cells to work more efficiently, promoting a younger looking skin through the power of thought. 

Thoughts influence how we age and our skin responds to our thoughts*. 
Hi, I’m Marisa Peer, thank you for finding me today.

Falling in love can make us feel young, carefree and happy and falling in love feels the same at any age whether we are 17 or 70.

The wonderful feeling of being in love sends positive messages to our organs, helping us to feel and act younger. A positive glow can be seen and our skin blooms, the immune system is boosted, helping us to get younger skin*.
How Will This Download Help You?
It has been proven that people who have certain ailments such as skin conditions, migraines, or joint pains can become free of the symptoms when they initially are in the state of falling in love.*

Being depressed or grieving, sends different messages to our organs, sometimes making us feel and act older. Depression can cause skin to look drawn, pinched, grey and our immune system suffers. It is no coincidence that many happy and optimistic people get sick less frequently when compared to depressed and optimistic people.*

The power of positive thought may be your answer when trying to get younger skin*.

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*Results cannot be guaranteed
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